7 Indoor Plants Safe for Cats You Did Not Know About

Have you ever wondered how to spruce up your living space with indoor plants while keeping your cats and dogs safe?

Dont worry! We’ve got you covered!

In this blog, we’ll discuss 7 indoor plants safe for cats and how they will also add a touch of nature to your home while being completely safe for your curious cat. Let’s dive into a lush, worry-free green paradise for you and your feline companion!

Indoor Plants Safe for Cats

Creating a harmonious living space for you and your beloved feline companion is of utmost importance. Introducing indoor plants to your home can be a great addition, bringing nature and tranquility to your living space. However, as a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to select plants that are visually appealing and safe for your cats and dogs.

Cats are known for their inquisitive nature, and many are drawn to plants. Unfortunately, some common houseplants can harm cats, leading to various health issues.

To help you create a green paradise that you and your pet can enjoy, we’ve curated a list of seven indoor plants that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also non-toxic to cats.

7 Indoor Plants Safe for Cats

Indoor plants safe for cats

1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

The Spider Plant, scientifically known as Chlorophytum comosum, is a popular choice among cat owners for several reasons. With its elegant arching leaves, this plant is not only visually appealing but also incredibly resilient. It’s known to thrive in various indoor conditions, making it an ideal choice for both experienced and novice plant enthusiasts.

The Spider Plant’s safety for cat pets makes it particularly attractive to cat owners. Even if your cat decides to take a playful nibble, rest assured that the Spider Plant is non-toxic. This peace of mind allows you to enjoy the plant’s air-purifying benefits and aesthetic charm without worrying about your cat’s well-being.

indoor plants safe for cats

Image courtesy: Google Photos

Spider Plant Care Tips:

  • Light: Place your Spider Plant in bright, indirect sunlight for optimal growth.
  • Watering: Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, as overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Toxicity: Spider Plants are non-toxic to cats, making them a safe addition to your home.

2. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

The Areca Palm, also known as Dypsis lutescens or the Butterfly Palm, is one of the striking indoor plants safe for cats that give your home a tropical feel. With its feathery fronds and graceful appearance, it’s no wonder that the Areca Palm is a favorite among interior decorators.

What cat owners will appreciate about this plant is its safety. Areca Palms are non-toxic to cats, so even if your feline friend decides to explore this green beauty, there’s no need to worry about harmful consequences. The Areca Palm adds a tropical vibe to your home and contributes to better indoor air quality.

indoor plants safe for cats

Image Courtesy: Google Photos

Areca Palm Care Tips:

  • Light: Provide bright, indirect light to help the Areca Palm thrive.
  • Watering: Consistently moisten the soil, but don’t overwater it.
  • Toxicity: Areca Palms are non-toxic to cats, making them a safe and stylish addition to your interior decor.

3. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

The Boston Fern, scientifically known as Nephrolepis exaltata, is renowned for its lush, delicate fronds that gracefully arch and cascade. This plant gives the area a refined touch and natural beauty to any indoor environment, making it a popular choice among plant enthusiasts.

For cat owners, the Boston Fern is one of the best indoor plants safe for cats and offers the added benefit of being non-toxic to feline companions. While some cats may be tempted to chew on the fronds, rest assured that this plant won’t harm them. This means you can enjoy the visual splendor of the Boston Fern without worrying about your cat’s safety.

indoor plants safe for cats

Image Courtesy: Google Photos

Boston Fern Care Tips:

  • Light: Provide bright, indirect light to keep the Boston Fern healthy.
  • Watering: Continually moisten the soil, but avoid soggy conditions.
  • Toxicity: Boston Ferns are non-toxic to cats, making them an excellent choice for homes with feline friends.

4. African Violet (Saintpaulia)

African Violets, scientifically known as Saintpaulia, are charming, petite plants that bring vibrant splashes of color to your indoor space. These delightful plants are known for their captivating flowers, which come in various shades of purple, pink, and white.

What sets African Violets apart is their non-toxic nature. It is one of the top 7 indoor plants safe for cats. These plants are entirely safe for cats, so even if your curious feline decides to investigate, you can rest easy knowing they won’t encounter any harm. African Violets are an excellent choice for adding a pop of color to your home without compromising your cat’s safety.

indoor plants safe for cats

Image Courtesy: Google Photos

African Violet Care Tips:

  • Light: Provide bright, indirect light to encourage blooming.
  • Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid getting water on the leaves.
  • Toxicity: African Violets are non-toxic to cats, making them a colorful and pet-friendly addition to your home.

5. Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

The Bamboo Palm, scientifically known as Chamaedorea seifrizii, is a graceful and versatile indoor plant that enhances the elegance of the tropics in your living space. With its slender, arching fronds and bamboo-like stems, this plant is visually pleasing and a powerful air purifier.

For cat owners, the Bamboo Palm offers the assurance of safety. These plants are non-toxic to cats, making them an excellent choice for homes with curious feline companions. You can enjoy cleaner indoor air and a serene atmosphere without compromising your cat’s well-being.

indoor plants safe for cats

Image Courtesy: Google Photos

Bamboo Palm Care Tips:

  • Light: Provide bright, indirect light for the Bamboo Palm to flourish.
  • Watering: Make sure the soil is continuously moist but not waterlogged.
  • Toxicity: Bamboo Palms are non-toxic to cats, making them a stylish and safe addition to your home decor.

6. Bromeliad (Neoregalia spp.)

Bromeliads are stunning tropical plants known for their vibrant, colorful rosettes of leaves. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, making them a popular choice for indoor gardens. What’s great for cat owners is that Bromeliads are non-toxic to felines, providing both visual appeal and peace of mind. A great addition to 7 indoor plants safe for cats.

indoor plants safe for cats

Image Courtesy: Google Photos

Bromeliad Care Tips:

  • Light: Bromeliads thrive in bright, indirect light, making them excellent additions to spaces with ample natural sunlight.
  • Watering: Fill the plant’s central cup (known as the “vase”) with water and refresh it regularly to maintain humidity levels. Avoid overwatering the soil.

7. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

The Parlor Palm is one of the classic indoor plants safe for cats and known for its elegant, feathery fronds. It’s a compact plant that fits well in small spaces, making it a popular choice for apartments and offices. The best part for cat owners is that the Parlor Palm is non-toxic, allowing you to enjoy its graceful beauty without worrying about your feline friend.

indoor plants safe for cats

Image Courtesy: Google Photos

Parlor Palm Care Tips:

  • Light: They thrive in bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions.
  • Watering: Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. They prefer consistently moist but not waterlogged soil.

We’ve curated our selection of safe plants following the guidelines set by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA, USA), a highly esteemed organization known for its extensive expertise in various forms of poisoning affecting cats, dogs, and other animals.


Making use of indoor plants in your living area can be a fantastic way to bring nature indoors and create a more inviting atmosphere. However, for pet owners, it’s crucial to choose plants that are safe for our furry companions. The plants mentioned in this article add aesthetic charm and provide a worry-free environment for your beloved cat.

For those who also have canine companions, it’s worth noting that many of the plants listed here are also safe for dogs. However, it’s always recommended to consult additional resources and guides tailored to plants safe for dogs to ensure a pet-friendly home environment.

By carefully selecting and caring for these 7 indoor plants safe for cats, you can create a lush and pet-friendly sanctuary for both you and your cherished animal companions. Enjoy the beauty of nature while providing a safe and enriching environment for your pets. Happy gardening!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any common indoor plants that are toxic to cats?

Yes, there are several popular indoor plants that can be harmful to cats if ingested. Some examples include lilies, poinsettias, and philodendrons. It’s important to research specific plants before bringing them into your home.

2. How can I train my cat to avoid chewing on plants?

You can train your cat to avoid chewing on plants by providing alternative sources of entertainment, using cat deterrents, and offering cat-friendly grasses for them to nibble on.

3. What should I do if my cat ingests a toxic plant?

If you suspect your cat has ingested a toxic plant, contact your veterinarian immediately. They can provide guidance on how to proceed and may recommend bringing your cat in for a check-up.

4. Can I still have beautiful plants if I own a cat?

Absolutely! There are plenty of stunning and safe indoor plants that can enhance your living space without posing a threat to your cat’s well-being.

5. Do I need to worry about my cat digging in the soil of my indoor plants?

It’s not uncommon for cats to be curious about indoor plants and may dig in the soil. To prevent this, consider placing decorative rocks or gravel on top of the soil to discourage digging, or provide a designated area with cat-friendly grass for them to explore.

About the Author: Mary Jons (Content Writer) wrote and edited this article based on her knowledge and understanding. Mary comes with 5+ years of experience in academic research, and Home Decor content creation

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